
Individual Frequency Medicine

Electromagnetic fields and frequency spectra for your well-being!
Through medtec, you can purchase the large-scale therapeutic devices, Global Diagnostics, Mito Plus and Digicon Pro, as well as smaller and less expensive wearables for the home.

Marcel Hirscher

vital field in top sport

As an official partner of the ÖSV, we are happy to share the latest findings and observations of the world’s best athletes in their use of Vitalfeld technology. In addition to other top athletes, the most successful ski racer in history talks about rapid descents, athletic ascents and about the personal benefits with vital field therapy.

franz klammer

Austrian ski legend
and Olympic winner

Marcel Hirscher

8-time overall World Cup – winner in a row Multiple Olympic and World Champion

Markus Prock

10-time overall World Cup winner
and world champion in luge

Vital Field Technology


The mode of action of the vital field technology is based on observation,
that one can have a regulating effect on the human organism through the application of certain frequencies and the knowledge of resonance effects.

For over a century, the majority of mainstream medicine has assumed that the Biochemistry 
is the main factor of the functioning of biological systems. 

Intensive research during the last decades led to fundamental new biophysical findings,
which can no longer be ignored in the effort to achieve health today. The use and distribution
of these findings is the ultimate goal of the Vitalfeld technology. 


Cell biologist Prof. Dr. Peter C. Dartsch

Knowledge of resonance effects and measurable field structures leads to impressive results in the wearable FrequenCell (working title e-CHIP) in the field of cell regeneration.

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Rechtlicher Hinweis: Die auf dieser Homepage vorgestellten Produkte gleichen die Energieflüsse des Organismus ausschließlich über Frequenzen und somit über die energetischen Felder aus. Sämtliche Angaben zur Wirksamkeit beruhen auf eigenen jahrelangen Beobachtungen, Untersuchungen, Messungen, und Erfahrungen von Therapeuten und sind schuldmedizinisch noch nicht anerkannt. Die Produkte sind rein energetisch und keine medizinischen Produkte, dies bedeutet, dass sie auf der Energieebene des Menschen arbeiten. Zur Abklärung von körperlichen Beschwerden und zur Therapieerstellung wenden Sie sich bitte an den Arzt Ihres Vertrauens.

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