Medical technology of the future
Our Vital Field Products
Discover new ways for practice concepts of the future. With Medtec you will find an innovative and reliable partner for your practice. Using the latest technology, we guide you to success in three steps:
Discover possible causes for complaints quickly and concretely with Global Diagnostics
Increase cell energy with Mito Plus
and support regeneration processes individually
With Digicon Pro frequency spectra
store and Optimize practice concepts economically
The following large devices are included in the tower and can be connected to their lap-top computer.
Global diagnostics
the measuring device
With the GLOBAL DIAGNOSTICS measuring device, ultra-weak electrical pulses are generated and transmitted to the body via electrodes. Within only 8 minutes, more than 200 million individual measurements in a frequency range from 1 Hz to 1 billion
Hz were performed, which serve as the basis for the analysis.
Only physically measurable parameters are used for evaluation. Very weak electrical pulses are used to excite the corresponding measuring objects in the body to oscillate. Feedback on these suggestions is measured and evaluated by a special procedure.
The results from direct application are substantiated by the latest basic research and the findings from millions of measurements! GLOBAL DIAGNOSTICS enables a holistic recording of energetic processes and thus a clear representation of important regulatory processes in the body. Thus, it can be used as an accurate, fast and independent assistant for a holistic view.
The products are developed in Switzerland according to the most modern standards and are CE certified according to the Medical Devices Act.
significant advantages
- Full body screening
- Rapid physical measurement & immediate data evaluation
- New treatment approaches for diffuse complaints
- Capture and representation of complex energetic relationships
- Preventive medicine through early detection of possible stresses
- Handling of the devices by trained personnel possible
Mito Plus
The treatment device
After the analysis by GLOBAL DIAGNOSTICS follows the application with MITO. Concrete treatment suggestions are automatically offered by GLOBAL DIAGNOSTICS, which can additionally be individually adapted and adjusted to the needs. MITO is used to generate electromagnetic frequencies and ultra-weak fields in the range of less than 1 Hz to over 120 billion Hz.
These individual frequencies are transmitted to the body via special antennas, so-called biotrodes. All frequency spectra are modeled on nature. They are technically generated to move the body’s vital field back into a healthy balance.
significant advantages
- High therapeutic competence for holistically interested patients
- Efficient support through little time expenditure and use of the latest technology
- Easy handling and delegability of treatment
- through state-of-the-art technology and efficient programming
Digicon pro
The frequency database
DIGICONPRO serves as an output device for the DIGISOFT digital database, which stores a variety of digitized substance spectra that can be used for both analysis and treatment. By means of a unique recording method – bioenergetic spectral analysis – the
more than 13,000 substance spectra have been measured, digitized and stored in the same way as an electromagnetic fingerprint.
be stored in a database.
The newly developed DIGICONPRO digital/analog converter reproduces the frequency patterns of the digitized substances in a frequency range from 1 Hz to 4 billion Hz and sends them to the patient via the biotrodes.
With DigiScan Pro, you can even digitize your own substances up to 400 MHz and use them for treatment.